I spent the early years of my writing career as a journalist and freelance writer. I also worked in the field of adult literacy and wrote curriculum materials for adults reading at basic reading levels.
Then, in 1990 I decided to do something I’d always dreamed of doing, I began working on my first novel. The book I wrote, The Josiah Files was published in 1992.
Since that time I’ve written eighteen more mystery and suspense novels.
Most of my novels have something to do with the sea. I grew up in New Jersey and my love of the ocean was born there. When I was a little girl I remember sitting on the shore and watching the waves and contemplating what was beyond. I could do that for hours.
I have roots in two countries. In 1971, I married a Canadian who loves the water just as much as I do. We moved to Canada and have lived here ever since. One of the things we enjoy is sailing. In the summer we basically move aboard our 34′ sailboat aptly named Mystery.
Both my husband Rik and I have achieved the rank of Senior Navigator, the highest rank possible in CPS, the Canadian Power Squadron. My Senior Navigator diploma hangs proudly on my office wall.
What this means is that I know how to use a sextant and can ‘theoretically’ find my way home by looking at the stars.
Rik and I have two grown children and seven wonderful grandchildren.